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Elite shungite w/Rutilated Quartz Pendant

$50.00 USD

Shungite is an almost 2 billion-year-old mineral that is known for its healing power. It has the ability to purify, charge, protect, cure, induce recovery, stabilise, heal and promote growth to all living organisms. Not only is Shungite a powerful protection stone it is said to be a good grounding stone and a strong aid for spiritual grounding. Its physical structure is almost completely Carbon leading to fewer impurities of other elements and its electrical conducting properties help inhibit electromagnetic radiation.

Many crystal lovers utilize the energies of Rutilated Quartz for channeling and astral travel. Rutilated Quartz is also used to enhance psychic abilities, clairvoyance, and telepathy. It is helpful to think of the Rutile within Rutilated Quartz as a spiritual antenna of sorts, via which you can broadcast and receive vibrations from your higher self.

Rutilated Quartz is useful for amplifying energies and intention, and is therefore great for programming, meditation, and dream work. The fine vibrations from Rutilated Quartz can easily facilitate the deeper state of mind that is conducive to lucid dreaming and productive meditation sessions.